Earthquake Details for ID# 61502983
Earthquake data from the
Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN).
PNSN Info Page:
Magnitude: 0.2
UTC Time: Thursday, February 08, 2024, 01:41:28 GMT
Local Time: Wednesday, February 07, 2024, 17:41:28 PST
How Long Ago: 279 days 22 hours 24 minutes 54 seconds ago
Coordinates: 46.7567, -121.5043
Distance From Summit: 22.181 km (13.783 mi)
Bearing From Summit: ESE (119°)
Depth: 2.5 km (1.6 mi)
5 Nearest Park Locations:
(Distance and Direction
to the earthquake from the location)
1. Sheep Lake Trail - 1.594 km (0.990 mi) to the S (186°)
2. Boundary Trail - 2.819 km (1.752 mi) to the NNE (32°)
3. Sheep Lake - 2.937 km (1.825 mi) to the SE (145°)
4. Three Lakes - 2.639 km (1.640 mi) to the WSW (251°)
5. Cedar Flats - 3.754 km (2.333 mi) to the ESE (104°)
Earthquake Spectra: Experimental
Earthquake data from the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN).